Trust Pilot Review Stars 4.6/5 based on 147 landlords

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AI Property Discovery

Daily email with all properties for your area in Excel. Plus analysis done by an AI.

Stop scrolling if you want to quickly find a UK property with a high rent potential.

Property Lead does all the hard work and it gives you all the best property leads in the UK 😮‍💨

  • Yes, includes Rental Yield and Cap Rate
  • Yes, covers any UK postcode
  • Yes, delivered daily saving you time
  • Yes, in Excel
  • Yes, includes AI agent to chat to 247
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Unlock the best UK property deals In Liverpool

AI Property Discovery

  • Yes, includes Rental Yield and Cap Rate
  • Yes, covers any UK postcode
  • Yes, delivered daily saving you time
  • Yes, in Excel
  • Yes, includes AI agent to chat to 247
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Plus these extra features

Request-based and fast

Use with GPT4

Link to broker website

Rental Yield

Cap Rate

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Over 100+ Reviews
Charly Wilkins
1st Oct 2023

"I recently started using and I'm impressed. The daily emails provide a detailed list of properties, all analyzed by their AI, which saves me so much time. The coverage of every UK postcode and the convenience of having everything in an Excel file is fantastic. Their Rental Yield and Cap Rate analysis really helps in making informed decisions."

Mary Ross
28th Oct 2023

"As someone constantly on the hunt for good property investments in the UK, has been a lifesaver. The daily emails with AI-analyzed properties are incredibly helpful. I love that it includes every UK postcode and the 24/7 AI chat feature is a great bonus. Plus, the Excel format is super user-friendly."

John Gayle
6th Nov 2023

"I've been using for my UK property investments and it's been a total game-changer. Every day, I get a list of properties in my area, all neatly analyzed by their AI. The best part? It covers every UK postcode and the data comes in an Excel file, making my investment decisions so much easier."